Generational divides frustrate me. Specifically, I don’t like being too far out of sync with my kids and their way of thinking. Video games—and the role they play in my sons’ lives—pose a consistent challenge to my desire for alignment, for while my kids love them, I find myself more and more often
New Year’s Resolution: Flex Your EQ
The EQ-i model gives you a great template to not only know, but improve your self-awareness, your relationships and the way in which you engage the world around you, so when you are making your New Year's resolutions for 2015, start by flexing your EQ. Following are 15 different suggestions—one for
Millennials and the MBTI
“Extraversion and Introversion--I do both of these. Why do I have to choose?” I’ve never had a Type discussion that this comment does not come up, on any or even every dichotomy. But I’m finding that the more Millennials I have in the audience (people born since 1980), the more frequent and
A Great J Defends Ps
As I write this, it is the last week of November, and one of the things I’m thankful for is my friendship and association with Rita Murray. She and I came into OKA as Associates at about the same time about twenty years ago. We have written a book together (Generations: Bridging the Gap with Type),
Type, Gender and Societal Expectations
A client recently voiced some discomfort with the Type profiles from Type Talk At Work, which note differences of men and women within the same Type. There have always been people who have objected to the suggestion that men and women within a Type show any differences (attributable to gender), and