I should know this. I wrote the definition. I train and speak on this topic every week. Yet I was powerfully reminded of the true meaning of Social Responsibility earlier today quite by accident by my friend and colleague, Beth Ratchford. Social Responsibility, within the structure of the EQ-i,
Putin, the Mumps and Not Changing Your Mind
On the way in to work this morning, I heard a distressing news story about Vladimir Putin and his regime’s military move into Ukraine. Putin held a news conference during which he detailed the United States’ arrogance on the world stage and the need for Russia to take a stand in the face of NATO and
Her – A Uniquely INFJ Love Story
I found myself puzzling over the content, presentation and underlying suggestions of Spike Jonze’s Oscar-nominated movie “Her.” It is clever, subtly deep, in equal measures sweet and off-putting and emotionally complicated. The movie, set in the not-too-distant future, centers around Theodore
The Grimm Price of Low Impulse Control
Just a few days ago, I published a blog post that highlighted Seattle Seahawk Richard Sherman and the low Impulse Control that accompanied his interview at the end of the NFC Championship game. Well, Sherman did not have to wait long before another public figure leap-frogged over him to give us a
Richard Sherman and the Cost of Low Impulse Control
The Seattle Seahawks are headed to the Super Bowl, and one of their stars, Richard Sherman—not only one of the best cornerbacks in football, but arguably one of the best athletes playing the game today—is embroiled in a controversy onto which EQ casts a telling light. Sherman’s decisive defensive