OKA Resilience Series #4 Does your story have a happy ending--will you let it? If resilience is the ability to bounce back, to endure and/or to come through difficult times better off for the struggle, that means that there is a happy ending to the story, or at least to that chapter of
What is your EQ Atmosphere?
To many people’s surprise, effective leadership does not require development with a preset combination of EQ Elements. If it did, an excellent leader in one system or endeavor should be able to repeat her success anywhere else, and clearly this does not happen. The combination of EQ Elements we have
Get Ready Introverts, I’m Going to Blast You (Us)!
I recently read an article written by an Introvert (another person inspired by Susan Cain’s Quiet), that suggests that more marketers of the future will likely be (or should be) Introverts because effective marketing requires good and active listening. While I entirely agree with the thought that
Zombies–the New Black
OKA Resilience Series #2 I trudge on through a haze—the grind of my daily life stretching out before me. Danger and threat are constant—at times a low-grade buzz and other times pointed and urgent. Everything looks like it always has—buildings, roads, cars—nothing has changed, yet everything is
Surviving the Beat-down
OKA Resilience Series--#1 Aging Boomers with fewer options for retirement, a crush of Millennials with limited entry points to an increasingly constricted workforce, ever greater demands for productivity, stagnant wages, economic insecurity, globalization-driven competition, intransigent