Could it be that knowing your MBTI Type might not matter? Invariably, every MBTI/Type training includes some folks who can’t and/or don’t want to choose a preference on any given dichotomy. Perhaps they feel equally engaged by both options, or they feel that one represents a best fit Type at work
The Power of Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility--within the EQ-i model--is the ability and tendency to act with a social consciousness, to serve the good of others or the group, even when so doing does not benefit you personally. This video--an ad for a Thai Insurance Company--is as good a reminder of the power of Social
Tomorrowland—A Great Optimism Movie
George Clooney’s latest movie is at the Cineplex. It is a slick, accessible sci-fi flick, and while it is worth seeing for these reasons alone, Tomorrowland is a great optimism movie. So anyone interested in Emotional Intelligence in general or optimism in particular would find this
Re-wiring Your Brain
So much of our work at OKA is working with adults toward better self-management through greater self-awareness. The work--whether rooted in Type (MBTI), Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i) or some other model/tool--almost always aims at growth and change, but while insights come quickly, changed behavior
Birdman: a Typological Feast
Birdman Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) won top honors at this year’s Academy Awards. While I think a few of this year’s movies were outstanding, Birdman so clearly stood out in its ambition, pacing and technical audacity that its being named Best Picture of 2014 seemed inevitable to me. And