In EQ-i terms, the Interpersonal Relationships scale relates to your ability and tendency to create and nurture relationships where trust and compassion reside. It is connectivity and closeness. This is such a great thing—can you be too close? Is overdoing EQ possible?
Check out this classic scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding to see what it looks and feels like to engage with someone who feels and expresses far more connection and closeness to you than you feel or are ready for.
So while closeness, personal disclosures and the projection of personal warmth and familiarity are powerful behaviors that can build trust and compassion, too much too soon of this EQ Element actually becomes rather off-putting, and even toxic, ironically, to a relationship. It is an irony of Interpersonal Relationships—that too much is actually a detriment to a close and healthy human connection.
Click here to learn more more about the EQ-i.

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