Emotional Self-Awareness can be hard to see Having always been a fan of movies--and using movies to support my training and coaching, I am always on the lookout for good, juicy clips that illustrate the kinds of behaviors that we at OKA teach and talk about. Emotional Intelligence lends itself--as
EQ Goes to the Movies–EQ’s Big 3
EQ's Behaviors are not all equal The EQ-i model of Emotional Intelligence details 15 elements that make up the behavioral face we each show the world--what we look and sound like to the people around us. Three of these 15 elements/behaviors are highly correlated with each other. This subset of
EQ Goes to the Movies–Finding Your Voice
Developing EQ One of the things that makes Emotional Intelligence and the EQ-i so powerful is the platform they give us not just to understand, but to work on and get better at the behaviors with which we struggle. Movies and TV shows can provide great examples of the kind of focus and effort it
5 Ways to Help Your Employees During COVID
by Harris Fanaroff, Director of Client Relationships We at OKA recently gathered twelve Organization & Leadership Development practitioners to address an urgent topic: “How are we helping people through the new reality of the world as we get into the Fall and start of school, and what are our
Sharpening Your EQ Toolkit
Your Behavioral Face and Toolkit The world first took notice of Emotional Intelligence in the early 1990s. In the years since, this field of behavioral research has spun off a handful of conceptual models, many dozens of books on the subject, and a number of self-assessment and 360-feedback tools,