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We are immersed in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), and these stressors strain our health, relationships, work effectiveness and overall well-being. Research tells us the core strengths and behaviors of the resilient—the people who endure, bounce back and even transform through life’s disappointments and diminishing events.
This fast-paced, online workshop helps participants strengthen resilience by using selected Emotional Intelligence behaviors known to battle stress and boost agility. Timely and highly practical this workshop requires no experience with Emotional Intelligence.
As people, we communicate and interact—and even think and remember—in stories. Whether recounting a long-ago triumph, whispering a tale of horror around the campfire, or telling ourselves how the future will unfold—our lives are held, lived and communicated through story. Narrative is the most basic human, cognitive form— providing the mental models that structure what people find meaningful and motivating at work and in life. People who develop Narrative Intelligence come to understand themselves and what’s going on around them through a powerful story-based lens, and learn how to
translate those insights into personal and organizational development opportunities.
This online course introduces, discusses and explores ways to practice the personal narratives that most relate to workplace effectiveness and career success. No prior experience with archetypes or Narrative Intelligence is required for participation in this online workshop.
Conflict can be corrosive and destructive—or something that creates energy, clarifies problems, strengthens relationships and motivates individuals and teams to new levels of achievement. Individuals and teams improve when they approach conflict deliberately. Avoiding, compromising, competing—there are a number of different styles, each of which is the perfect tool for a given time, person and place.
This interactive workshop provides individuals and teams with the skills needed to effectively manage and benefit from conflict.
Leadership is the intentional use of power with people toward some desired end. So how do you—any of us—do that? How do you effectively lead? Emotional Intelligence (EQ) provides an easily accessed and practiced skillset that can be nicely applied to leadership.
This introduction to leadership and EQ, an OKA exclusive delivered online, is a fast-paced overview of both leadership and Emotional Intelligence that emphasizes specific tips and techniques that any participant—whether a current or aspiring leader—can put to use immediately.
Whether meeting and working with people in person or online, it can be a challenge for leaders and teams to actively create and maintain a culture of safety and openness. While not an effective and desired skillset for every team or culture, being able and open to greater inclusion and collaboration would benefit many of our professional endeavors.
This introduction to the topic—offered exclusively by OKA in this online design— is, as you would expect, highly engaging and interactive. Its goal is to leave each participant with a number of suggested behaviors and exercises to increase collaboration, inclusion, and safety. These tips are usable in both in-person teams and online activities.
In this fast-paced, interactive 90 minute workshop—offered exclusively online—participants learn a basic model of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and a select assortment of EQ behaviors that support and practice better DEI in leadership and teamwork.
This interactive workshop requires no pre-work or background with either Emotional Intelligence or DEI.
This program explores the importance of Self-Awareness and how it contributes to our effectiveness in areas such as: building relationships, making decisions, and managing stress.
Through discussion and activities, participants will learn specific tips and actions that help develop self-awareness.
Managing the work and productivity and boosting the cohesion of groups and teams is a challenge in general—when your group does not share the same physical space, those challenges are even greater. Hybrid teams—some folks are co-located and working in person while others are working from a distance and engage only online—are become increasingly common.
This quick-hit class is designed for the leader who wants a summary of the topic with some solid next step options.
This interactive workshop focuses on the importance of both Interpersonal Relationships and Empathy in today’s world. In this short duration, 2-hour virtual workshop, your participants will view and discuss a number of movie clips with these behaviors on display, brainstorm actions and exercises that will activate and flex these behaviors toward greater inclusion, and compose and share an action plan that details both insights and next step actions each participant agrees to take.
Effective meetings consider team dynamics, group maturity, and the content that needs to be discussed or transferred. Some team meetings need leaders to control them while others need more gentle facilitation and shared leadership throughout the group.
This fast-paced and interactive workshop—offered by OKA exclusively online—introduces participants to a number of tips and suggestions that expand any leader or team’s toolkit of tips and tricks to make meetings more effective. This workshop focuses on suggestions that can be effective in both online and in-person teams.
The most helpful approach to facilitating a person or group through the process of change is actually rooted in the grief research and writings of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. A change model built on these grief stages allows us to frame properly and sensitively the painful process of change—in all aspects of life.
OKA’s Leading & Facilitating Change Workshop introduces people to this simple, but powerful model and works with them to make the model diagnostic and actionable. Knowing Change Styles is interesting, but nothing is more practical than a toolkit that enables you to move—yourself and others—through the difficult process of change.
This fast-paced, online session presents this unique model of the stages of change while also facilitating a number of group discussions that explore how both to spot and then flex to these stages when those around you are in them.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment (MBTI) remains one of most popular psychological tools in the world, but how do you use that information in your everyday life without the actual tool? How do you—by listening and observing—hypothesize and ascertain other people’s Type preferences, and then how do you use these insights to improve communication and strengthen your relationships?
This engaging and fun online session presents the content of Psychological Type in such a way that participants will be able to observe Type preferences in others and make decisions to better and more effectively deal with them as a result. No experience with Type or the MBTI assessment is needed for participants of this interactive workshop.
We tend to live around and work with people who look and sound like us. We tend to watch the news and consume the media that most closely feed the narratives we want and already have. We tend to live in bubbles which make us comfortable, but which seriously limit the connection we have to each other, to reality and to serious insight, growth and development.
This interactive, online session presents three different psychological models—Type, EQ, and Narrative Intelligence—and offers specific actions and tips for how to engage and practice any or all of these models to pop these cognitive bubbles. Pop your bubble and save the world.
Generational differences continue to challenge many organizations–and this will only accelerate as the Cloud generation—now just entering college—makes its way into our already generationally diverse workforce. Generational theory offers a powerful lens for understanding differences in the way we buy and sell, lead and follow, communicate, and interact with authority and technology.
Learn to better understand and how to best engage each Generation in this fast-paced session designed to improve your ability to effectively navigate and work across Generations.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can contribute more to our success than IQ or subject matter expertise. EQ is basically the sum of our behaviors—the behavioral face we each show the world. In this workshop (#1 in a three-part series)—OKA presents the EQ elements that focus on self-awareness and self-control (Self-Regard, Self-Actualization, Emotional Self-Awareness, Independence, Assertiveness, Emotional Expression, and Impulse Control).
This interactive program explores the contribution of each of these critical elements and even takes on specific tips and actions that would put each of these elements into action.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can contribute more to our success than IQ or subject matter expertise. EQ is basically the sum of our behaviors—the behavioral face we each show the world. In this workshop (#2 in a three-part series)—OKA presents the EQ elements that pull us out of ourselves and focus on others (Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, and Social Responsibility).
This interactive program explores the contribution of each of these critical elements and even takes on specific tips and actions that would put each of these elements into action.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can contribute more to our success than IQ or subject matter expertise. EQ is basically the sum of our behaviors—the behavioral face we each show the world. In this workshop (#3 in a three-part series)—OKA presents the tensions within the EQ-i model (self and other, expression and containment, and present and future-focus).
This interactive program explores the nature of each of these critical tensions and even takes on specific tips and actions that would bring out and even strengthen these behavioral balances.
Many people brace themselves for getting (or giving) feedback—believing it to be critical and diminishing. However, effective feedback is actually a gift that cab strengthen relationships, inspire positive change and even motivate growth and development. People skilled in giving (and receiving) feedback have both distinct advantages in the workplace and happier personal lives.
This fast-paced introduction to the topic—offered exclusively by OKA in this online design— frames feedback as this positive force and skillset and offers specific steps and behavioral goals to help participants derive an action plan to practice giving (and asking for) feedback in both their personal and professional lives.