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Understanding your Personality Type (Pearman)

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Understanding your Personality Type (Pearman)
Please note: the Pearman certification is now available only upon request. Please email Gina Carter (gcarter@oka-online.com) for more information.
The Pearman Personality Integrator is one of the newest Type assessments and is unlike any other Personality Type tool in that it offers several unique and powerful insights. These include: • A look at both what is most natural (preference) and what is most demonstrated (behavior)? Every other Type assessment only explores your hard wired preferences • Type preference and behavior data along a continuum—as opposed to an either or sort. How much of an Introvert are you? • Natural and demonstrated data for each of the 8 mental functions (such as Introverted Thinking or Extraverted Sensing)—previously only accessible through type dynamics theory • Information about mental agility, flexibility and resilience (the FlexIndex). What is your composure, proactivity and connectivity? Participants will:- Take the Pearaman Personality Integrator and receive their individual results
- Explore Natural and Demonstrated Type
- Learn about the 8 mental functions
- Explore aspects of about mental agility, flexibility and resilience
- Develop a personal action plan to apply workshop insights (self-directed post work)
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