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Type Talk at Work
Through this book, you will see how different personalities can accomplish everday tasks in very different ways.LEARN MORE
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Myers Briggs Type Indicator
A tool that identifies and explores the sixteen different personality Types based on four fundamental preferences:
Extroversion — Introversion
Sensing — intuition
Thinking — Feeling
Judging — Perceiving
Benefits of the MBTI assessment:
- A framework, vocabulary, and process for growing greater self-awareness and better self-management
- A vocabulary that allows people and groups to speak more effectively about needs, expectations, preferences and conflict
- A statistically validated tool that supports efective communication, leadership, team and relationship development
- Introduces the basics of Typewatching, can help you determine your personality preferences, and explain how this self-awareness can help you in every aspect of your work.
- Show you how to apply that knowledge and insight in the ten most significants parts of any business.
- Offer in-depth profiles of the sixteen personality types, revealing their strengths and weakness on the job.