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Impact Team Performance Inventory™ Certification

Class Details
Impact Team Performance Inventory™ Certification
What does your team need to achieve its purpose and to sustain or improve performance? The Impact Team Performance Inventory™ (TPI) helps you answer these critical questions with actionable insight unique to each team and circumstance. The TPI™ is rooted in Impact International’s own Team Performance Model (TPM) comprised of six domains—each contributing a vital and inter-dependent component of effective teamwork.

Workshop Outcomes:
- Unified Purpose — a shared understanding of why the team exists
- External Alignment — the context within which the team operates
- Agreed Approach — the group’s conscious and recognized use of norms and processes
- Effective Relationships — trust, openness and honesty on the team
- Quality Conversations — communication and interaction within the group
- High Performance Mindset — the ongoing process of group learning and development
- Online administration
- Optional open response questions provide additional data regarding each element of team performance
- Aggregate team data revealed in 30+ page report
- Integrated Action Plan template

Workshop Outcomes:
- Become certified to use the Impact Team Performance Inventory™ (TPI)
- Discuss and learn to apply the 6 domains of the Impact Team Performance Model (TPM)
- Practice using TPI™ data, training slides, sample reports, training suggestions and other support tools to assist applying the TPI™
- Receive designs and exercises to aid in the experiential presentation of the TPI™ with groups and teams
- Explore ways in which the TPI™ interacts with—and even enhances—other development tools such as the MBTI, EQ-i, DiSC, Strengths Finders and Thomas-Kilmann
- Receive a credit for a free administration of the TPI™ to use immediately (on your own team or a client’s) as well as a free coaching session to help with integrating the new data
- Engage in numerous small group discussions and activities to illustrate the material and its use
In-Person Session
Select a date to join an instructor led in-person workshop.
Online Session
Select a date to join an instructor led online workshop