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EQ Activity Cards
The EQ Atmosphere exercise has become an OKA client favorite. At the core of this exercise are OKA’s EQ Activity Cards. Revised and expanded in 2018, this pack of EQ Activity Cards enables you to lead groups through a number of interactive and powerful exercises that apply Emotional Intelligence to the team and organizations.LEARN MORE
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EQ Activity Cards
What does this group or culture value—what do we expect from each other and look and sound like? The EQ Atmosphere exercise—in addition to many others—done with these EQ Activity Cards leads any group or team to answer these questions. These 5 ½ X 8 inch cards are laminated and durable, and each one includes a full (recently expanded) definition of one of the 15 EQ-i Emotional Intelligence elements along with data on what each element looks and sounds like on the group/organizational level when the element is both valued and overlooked. *BONUS: With your cards you get a link to a full set of OKA tried-and-tested activities to help use the cards creatively in your EQ work! Watch the video above to see an example of an exercise using the EQ Activity Cards.$25.00