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DRiV to Action: A DRiV Assessment Workbook & Interpretation Guide
The DRiV assessment workbook is the newest behavioral tool written and designed by OKA's Hile Rutledge. Please learn more about how our innovative model, and all the ways in which it can help you.LEARN MORE
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The DRiV assessment is a powerful tool that allows you to profile and access those things that drive and drain you—the forces behind the behaviors you choose. Written and designed by OKA’s Hile Rutledge, this workbook dives into each of the 28 drivers that populate this innovative and far-reaching model. With a detailed account of what your scores mean to hundreds of actionable suggestions for energizing, optimizing and leveraging your drivers, this workbook helps users pivot from DRiV insights to both individual and team-level action plans. Learn about the motives, values and deep-rooted habits that drive your behavior with OKA’s DRiV to Action.