Generational differences continue to challenge many organizations–and this will only accelerate as the Cloud generation—now in high school—makes its way into our already generationally diverse workforce. Generational theory offers a powerful lens for understanding differences in the way we buy and sell, lead and follow, communicate, and interact with authority and technology. Learn to better understand and how to best engage each Generation in this interactive workshop designed to improve your ability to effectively work across Generations (available in ½ or full day programs).
Participants will:
- Learn what defines each of the five generations
- Explore the unique perspectives each generation brings to the topics of technology, authority, communication etiquette, work ethics and professional development
- Discover ways to communicate with each generation—broadening your generational toolkit
- Generate and apply an extensive list of generational “Do’s and Don’ts” to increase your ability to move smoothly between the generations
- Discuss ways in which generational awareness (and the policies and practices that institutionalize this sensitivity) help to impact operational effectiveness and the bottom line
- Receive and learn to use OKA’s Generation Translation: Tools for Bridging the Gap by Rita M. Murray and Hile Rutledge